Tree Cutting Ordinance & Tree Permits - City of Happy Valley

Tree Cutting Ordinance & Tree Permits

Tree Cutting Permits

If you are planning to remove a tree whose trunk diameter is greater than 6 inches, you are required to obtain a permit before doing any work. The permit you need is determined by the type of project you are undertaking.

Type A Permit: This permit is required for tree removal that meets the following:

  • No more than three trees are proposed for removal
  • Tree removal is not within the Streep Slopes or Natural Resources Overlay Zones
  • The trees are not protected as a condition of development approval
  • The trees located on private property and are not within a street tree easement  
  • A Type A permit has not been granted for the subject site within the past year. This limitation may be waived by the City

Fee: $55

Property owner must apply and sign the permit.

Apply for a Type A Tree Permit

Type B Permit: This permit applies to requests for the removal of trees in environmentally sensitive areas, or trees associated with conditions of approval (homeowner association, HOA’s). A Type B Permit is also for the removal of a tree in the right-of-way or in a planter strip (street tree). Tree replacement is required for most tree removal or a financial contribution to the City’s “Tree Bank”.

Fee: $83 plus $55 per tree to a maximum of $5,180. The fee is waived in certain circumstances as identified on the application form. All applications must be completed prior to applying online.

Read more about street trees

*Authorized tree removal contractors are required to have a Happy Valley Business license.

Once you have submitted your application, the City will notify you if your application is approved. You are allowed to apply for one permit every year unless you have an emergency or special circumstance.

All removal work commenced after the issuance of a tree removal permit, including, but not limited to, the removal and disposal of trees and debris permitted to be removed, shall be completed within 90 days after the issuance of this tree removal permit. This period may be extended for subsequent 90 day periods, by written request of the property owner; or, alternatively a new tree removal permit application may be made.

ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT DISCLAIMER: Certain fish, wildlife, and plant species in Happy Valley may be protected by the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). Through the issuance of this permit, Happy Valley makes no representation or assurance that the subject land use or development activity is permissible under the Endangered Species Act. As the permittee, you assume all responsibility to ensure that your activities undertaken in accordance with this permit do not violate applicable ESA rules and requirements, or any other state or federal rules or regulations. For more information regarding the salmon-related ESA rules and requirements, contact the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in Portland at (503) 230-5400. General information on the ESA and listed salmon species is available on the NMFS northwest region web site at For non-salmon ESA issues, contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Portland at (503) 808-2468.