REQUEST FOR CITY ASSISTANCE – parade escort, item rental, staff appearance, etc. - City of Happy Valley

REQUEST FOR CITY ASSISTANCE – parade escort, item rental, staff appearance, etc.

Planning an on-campus event and you would like Community Service Officers, Parks and Recreation staff, or Happy Valley Police to make an appearance? Having a parade and want some police or Code vehicles to partake? Organizing an outdoor event and need access to a movie screen or stage?

The City is happy to add to the pomp and circumstance of your special activity when possible. Whether it is providing some extra fanfare or a special visit, we’re excited to help build upon the excitement and fun.

To see if your event is appropriate for City support, the City has compiled some criteria to help us best understand what you need and how we can potentially partner.

Criteria for sharing school related events and fundraising activities:

  • The representing school must serve students within the City of Happy Valley boundary map.
  • The group or individuals from the representing school must have authorization from the school to hold the activity or fundraiser.
  • The activity must directly benefit the students the school serves or directly benefit the City of Happy Valley community.
  • For planning purposes, requests must be made at least 30 days in advance of your special event.
  • Organizations are limited to one support request per calendar year. Additional requests for visits and items will not be fulfilled.

If your organization and event meet these guidelines, please submit your request using the official Support Request form. Phone, in-person, and email requests will NOT be accepted.

PLEASE NOTE: Submitting a request does not guarantee your organization will receive approval.

Please complete the form below for your activity to be considered:


parade escort, item rental, staff appearance, etc.

Event representative name:(Required)
NCSD authorizing representative name:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please indicate what you are requesting:(Required)

Once submitted, your request will be reviewed within 3 business days and a response will be provided to the contact email you have provided. Please note that the City of Happy Valley reserves the right to deny a request if the event does not meet criteria.
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, jpeg, Max. file size: 50 MB.