Community Provides Vision for the Pleasant Valley/North Carver Comprehensive Plan - City of Happy Valley

Community Provides Vision for the Pleasant Valley/North Carver Comprehensive Plan

In general, a comprehensive plan sets guidelines for the future growth of a community by receiving substantial local input and assessing the feasibility of ideas. The Pleasant Valley/North Carver (PV/NC) Comprehensive Plan is the latest example of just such a project. The City’s Economic and Community Development Team is currently working with consultants, experts, and the greater community in order to form the foundation of this important plan.

Why do we need a Comprehensive Plan?

The PV/NC area is within the Portland Metropolitan Urban Growth Boundary. As such, urban comprehensive plan and zoning designations are required by state law. In Oregon, comprehensive plans ensure, through citizen involvement, that land use, transportation, natural resources, housing, economic development and other community needs are planned in a coordinated effort to reflect local needs while meeting statewide goals and rules.

What does the PV/NC Comprehensive Plan do?

The Plan will provide the framework for the integrated land use and transportation strategy. There are many potential benefits such as: safer roads over time; ability to reduce congestion; a riverfront in Carver that people can use and enjoy; housing for those who live and work here; and a well-planned parks and trails system.

How can the community help?

Getting involved and sharing your thoughts, ideas, and concerns is crucial to this process. A Community Advisory Committee has been meeting regularly as part of the initial phase of the Plan to help the City gain insight from residents who currently live in the PV/NC area. Meetings serve to fine tune what the needs and interests are of those who are affected. The committee, which invites any resident interested in being part of the process, has helped create the vision of the area’s future.

Can my voice still be heard?

YES! If you would like to get involved or share your thoughts related to the PV/NC Comprehensive Plan, please consider attending the next Community Advisory Committee Meeting set for March 7th. The City will also coordinate two Open House events in the Spring which will be dedicated to gaining additional feedback from residents. Stay tuned for details and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook or check out the City of Happy Valley website at for updated information as well.

Walkable Neighborhoods Map

Vision for the Pleasant Valley/North Carver area includes a network of walkable neighborhoods (shown here in blue) that highlight the natural beauty of the land. The PV/NC Comprehensive Plan aims to help the community and City engage in a thoughtful process of planning the area’s development.

Vision Statement

The Pleasant Valley/North Carver area is an integral part of the growing Happy Valley community and a natural extension of East Happy Valley. The area is comprised of a network of walkable neighborhoods, vibrant mixed-use centers, and thriving employment areas. The natural beauty of the landscape is embraced, the ecological health of the area is preserved and enhanced through environmental stewardship, and nature is made part of every neighborhood. The Carver riverfront has been transformed to include great public access and unique destinations. The area is supported by a resilient and safe network of streets, transit service, infrastructure, high-quality schools, and attractive parks and trails.

Guiding Principles

  • Promote a Sense of Community
  • Preserve and Celebrate Nature
  • Form Walkable, Welcoming Neighborhoods
  • Create Vibrant, Mixed-Use Centers
  • Craft Distinctive Places
  • Attract Local Jobs and Businesses
  • Design a Resilient, Connected Transportation System
  • Ensure Regional Fit
  • Plan for Fiscal Health