City Recorder - City of Happy Valley

City Recorder


The City Recorder is the steward for the City’s most important documents including:

  • Ordinances
  • City Council Minutes
  • City Council Agendas
  • Audio City Council Recordings

Many of these documents are available online for all to view. However, you can submit a Public Records Request, and this information will be provided to you subject to the cost to reproduce the record.

A person or organization may request copies of public records as defined in ORS Chapter 192 and in the Oregon Attorney General’s Public Records and Meeting Manual.

City Liens

In accordance with ORS 93.643 the City is required to record certain liens in the County Clerk’s office or provide access by an online electronic medium. The City of Happy Valley contracts with the Net Asset Corporation to provide internet access to a system called Conduits. This is a fee based service that most subscribers such as title companies, escrow agents, financial institutions, and real estate professionals utilize in performing searches as part of real estate transactions.

The current lien search fee is $50.00 for each property search performed.

If you need one time, or infrequent searches, it is recommended that you contact a title company to perform the search for you.

In order to obtain access to Conduits please contact Net Assets Corporation at (541) 485-8876 or [email protected]. Prior to access approval all subscribers will be required to accept all terms of use and agree to pay the City of Happy Valley for all searches performed.

City Council Meetings

City Council meetings, with the exception of Executive Session, are open to the public. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Work sessions, if scheduled, begin at 6:00 pm and regular sessions begin at 7:00 pm. All meetings are held in the City Council Chambers.


Kara Kerpan, MMC

City Recorder/Management Analyst

Meghan McGee

Records Specialist