About the PV/NC Comp Plan - City of Happy Valley

About the PV/NC Comp Plan

The City of Happy Valley is embarking on a land use and transportation plan that will guide the future of the Pleasant Valley/North Carver (PV/NC) area.

This is an exciting time for the area, as this plan will allow the expansion of quality public services, such as police, schools, and parks, as well as offer community members a voice in the planning process. The plan will build off the efforts of the adjacent (to the west) East Happy Valley Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2009, and provide direction for the City’s overall Comprehensive Plan.

The City of Happy Valley is the fastest growing city in Oregon, yet still places a high value on quality of life, community spirit, and planned growth. Businesses and residents thrive in this beautiful city, and we look forward to your help in planning for a future of balanced and sustainable growth in the Pleasant Valley/North Carver area.

About the PV/NC Comprehensive Plan

What will the PV/NC Comprehensive Plan do?

The PV/NC Comprehensive Plan will provide the framework for the integrated land use and transportation plan. There are many potential benefits: safer roads over time; ability to reduce congestion; a riverfront in Carver that people can use and enjoy; housing for those who live and work here; and a well-planned parks and trails system. These benefits often translate into more marketable homes and properties.

The planning process will include coordination and communication with property owners and the general public; Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD); Metro; the cities of Portland and Gresham; Multnomah and Clackamas counties; the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and other area stakeholders.

Why do we need a Comprehensive Plan?

The Pleasant Valley-North Carver area is within the urban growth boundary. As such, urban comprehensive plan and zoning designations are required by state law. In Oregon, comprehensive plans ensure, through citizen involvement, that land use, transportation, natural resources, housing, economic development and other community needs are planned in a coordinated way that reflect local needs while meeting statewide goals and rules.

The Comprehensive Plan is one of many planning efforts and projects in the area. Related projects and studies include:


What does annexation mean?

Annexation allows the City to provide municipal services to properties and residents. More information on annexation is available here: https://www.happyvalleyor.gov/business/economic-community-development/annexation-program/.  Over 1,000 acres have already been annexed within the project area. The City will continue to welcome additional annexations and new residents in the future.

What does this mean for people who aren’t annexed?

Those living in an area that is not annexed will not have urban zoning applied. They may later apply to become annexed if they wish to develop at urban densities. For those already located within the City of Happy Valley, the annexation applies, and property will be zoned for urban development. Those not in the City of Happy Valley will need to opt into annexation at a later date and pay associated fees.

Must everyone be annexed?

Annexation is currently voluntary.

Why does the City of Happy Valley want to annex more neighborhoods?

Bringing more neighborhoods into the City of Happy Valley allows the City to extend municipal services in an efficient manner, expand coordinated public safety services, provide environmental protection, maximize business incentives, and ensure a well-planned transportation network.